Divine Service, Setting Three
LSB p. 184-ff
At Trinity, we celebrate the Lord’s Supper every Sunday, as well as some feast days.
We use Divine Service, Setting 3 from Lutheran Service Book for a few reasons. We use this setting every Sunday so that our members can better memorize the liturgy so that we can better understand why we do what we do. This setting, called “The Common Service” has been used in confessional Lutheran churches for several centuries, and parts of our liturgy date back to Martin Luther. This setting of the liturgy is arguably the best known amongst Lutherans today, since the days of of The Lutheran Hymnal (CPH 1941), and earlier.
We are a confessional and liturgical congregation, choosing to show reverance and humility during the Lord’s service towards us. This is how He feeds us - through His Holy Word and His blessed Sacraments. By these means, He gives us His grace, and preserves us in the true faith until faith is turned into sight.
We follow the One-year lectionary which dates back to the early church. This allows us to get to know the texts better, as we hear them every year.
We sing traditional hymns from within the Lutheran church, as well as some hymns that the church has “picked up” along the way. We sing because of what God has done for us in Christ Jesus. We sing to confess our faith and to praise the Lord for His goodness and mercy towards us.