Frequently Asked Questions

Can I take Communion with you guys?

We certainly hope so! In order to make sure that you receive this Sacrament for the forgiveness of sins and the strengthening of faith, we welcome all who are members in good standing of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod to join us. If you are not a member of the LC - MS, you may come up to the rail, but, so as to not cause you harm, you will not receive the Communion. If you are not a member of our church or our sister congregations, please come to the Communion rail, and receive a blessing. If you have any questions regarding this practice, please contact Pastor Wille.

Can I bring my kids?

Absolutely! While it may be embarrassing that your kids might make noise during the Divine Service, the sounds of children in the house of the Lord is always beautiful. If you feel that your child is being too loud, you may take them to the overflow room at the back of the sanctuary, where you can still hear the service as you take care of your child.

Be sure to let them visit our Sunday School after the service (during school months only). This meets during Bible Study, after the service. Enjoy getting to know our youth, as well as learning the Bible Stories as well as some fun songs!

What should I wear?

While most people wear formal clothes to the Divine Service, we will not be offended if you show up in jeans and a t-shirt. Please be sure to wear clothes that are not offensive or inappropriate or too revealing. Shirts and shoes are required. If you are concerned that you will be inappropriately dressed, we suggest that you find a more fitting outfit.

I don’t know what to do during the Divine Service… Any tips?

We understand that each congregation does things differently. That is why we stick to the book, following the liturgy in our hymnal, with few changes. In addition, our bulletin has everything listed out in order so that you can more easily follow the Service. If you are lost, please ask one of our members for assistance, and we will be glad to help you out!

Where should I sit?

We don’t have assigned or reserved seating, so sit as close to or as far from the front as you would like. Each pew has hymnals in them, as well as kneelers.

Is your building handicap accessible?

Most definitely! Our building has no stairs on the main floor. It is very accessible for people who are handicapped. In addition, if you would like to take Communion, but are unable to walk to the Communion rail, please speak to an elder, and he will tell Pastor, and Pastor will bring you the Lord’s Supper wherever you are sitting.